Assistant Professor Adrianna Villavicencio (right) published a report in The Research Alliance for New York City Schools assessing two programs offered by the Center for Racial Justice in Education (CRJE) – Talking about Race, and Racial Justice in Schools.

The title of the report is “Building Teacher Capacity to Interrupt Racism in Schools: Studying the Work of the Center for Racial Justice in Education.” Co-authors are Research Associate Kathryn Hill and Sarah Kleven (Learning Policy Institute).

Villavicencio’s research foci include inequities in education, racial equity frameworks, and English learning and immigrant students. She has expertise in research-practice partnerships, mixed-methods research studies, and program evaluation Previously, she served as deputy director at the Research Alliance for New York City Schools, and as a research professor. Villavicencio earned a B.A. in English from Columbia University; an M.A. in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University; and a Ph.D. in Education Leadership and Policy from NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

(Read more here.)