Goals for teaching learning should guide video selection. The following questions should be considered when selecting video for online teacher preparation.

  • What should the video capture: A teacher teaching a lesson? A group of students working together? Interactions between the teacher and the class? One student being questioned while working on a task?
  • How long should the video be: Should it capture an entire classroom lesson or interview? Should it be a shorter clip or series of clips? And should it be edited or unedited?
  • Who should the video portray and represent: Novice teachers own videos? Teachers with similar background and experiences so pre-service teachers can identify with them? More experience teachers? A diverse group of students to support ambitious and equitable goals? A specific population of students to unpack successful approaches?
  • What kind of teaching should the video portray: Exemplary teaching or ordinary lessons? And should the teacher portrayed be an expert teacher, an average teacher, or a novice?

The following articles may inform your video selection:

Krammer, K., Hugener, I., Frommelt, M., Der Maur, G. F. A., & Biaggi, S. (2015). Case-based learning in initial teacher education: Assessing the benefits and challenges of working with student videos and other teachers’ videos. Orbis scholae9(2), 119-137. https://karolinum.cz/data/cascislo/5101/OS_2_2015.pdf#page=119

Seidel, T., Stürmer, K., Blomberg, G., Kobarg, M., & Schwindt, K. (2011). Teacher learning from analysis of videotaped classroom situations: Does it make a difference whether teachers observe their own teaching or that of others?. Teaching and Teacher Education27(2), 259-267. https://tinyurl.com/r3xkwmm

Sherin, M. G., Linsenmeier, K. A., & van Es, E. A. (2009). Selecting video clips to promote mathematics teachers’ discussion of student thinking. Journal of Teacher Education60(3), 213-230. https://tinyurl.com/ul9ns5a

van Es, E. A., Stockero, S. L., Sherin, M. G., Van Zoest, L. R., & Dyer, E. (2015). Making the most of teacher self-captured video. Mathematics teacher educator4(1), 6-19.