ERI Awards Five Mini Grants to UCI Researchers and Educators
The ERI’s 2019-20 call for mini grants resulted in nearly 30 fantastic submissions from Schools across campus. The aim of these grants is to facilitate the development of outstanding research in higher education teaching and learning as well as the implementation of evidence-based activities and programs aimed at improving outcomes for a wide variety of populations.
Hosun Kang, Virgina Panish, Susan Toma-Berge, Acacia Warren
Recruiting and Supporting Future Latinx Teachers
This project intends to address the persistent mismatch between the demographic profile of California’s teacher workforce compared to that of its student population by recruiting and supporting a more ethnically diverse cohort to the UCI Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program.
The goals are twofold:
1. Recruiting more teachers of color, specifically Latinx teachers in the UCI MAT program, and
2. Supporting Future Latinx teachers during the preparation period and beyond through the creation of a Future Latinx Teachers (FLT) and their allies club in the UCI MAT Program.
(Read more here.)