Faculty Projects
CAREER: Expanding Latinxs’ Opportunities to Develop Complex Thinking in Secondary Science Classrooms through a Research-Practice Partnership
PI: Hosun Kang.
Funding: National Science Foundation | 2019-2024
Reimagining Educational Equity and Opportunity (REEO) during the COVID 19 Pandemic
PI: June Ahn, Rossella Santagata, Adriana Villavicencio.
Funding: UCI Office of Inclusion Excellence | 2020-2021
Recruiting and supporting future Latinx teachers
PI: Hosun Kang, Virginia Panish, Susan Toma-Berge, Acacia Warren
Funding: UCI Education Research Initiative | 2019-2020
UCI Teacher Preparation Expansion and Enhancement for Developing Effective and Equity Focused Educators
Director: E. A. van Es.
Co-Project Director: V. Panish and D. Zinger.
Funding: US Department of Education, Title V Higher Education Act, 2018-2023.
Modest Supports for Sustaining Professional Development Outcomes over the Long Term
Co-PIs: Judith Haymore Sandholtz and Cathy Ringstaff (West Ed).
Funding: National Science Foundation | 2016-2021
Collaborative Grant: Community and Teacher Teams Investigate Equitable Noticing and Dispositions
PI: E. A. Van Es.
Co-PI: V. Hand.
Funding: National Science Foundation.
UCI California Teacher Education Research & Improvement Network (CTERIN)
Co-PIs: Tine Sloan (UCSB), George Johnson (UCB), Rebecca Ambrose (UCD), Elizabeth van Es (UCI), Jody Priselac (UCLA), Maya Tokman (UCM), Thomas Smith (UCR), Alan Daly (UCSD), Lora Bartlett (UCSC).
Graduate Student Research Assistant: Carlos Sandoval.
Evaluating the Outcomes of the Center for Racial Justice in Education
PI: Adriana Villavicencio
Funding: W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Designing Crowdsourced Mentorship to Support Low-Income High School Students’ College Enrollment
PI: June Ahn.
Funding: Institution of Education Sciences.
Project CRYSTAL: Scaling up and Building Sustainability to Bring Authentic Science Learning Experiences to Underserved Learners
PI: Rossella Santagata.
Co-PIs: Hosun Kang, Jennifer Long (UCI CEB), Sarah Kimball (UC CEB), and Sara Ludovise (CCA).
Graduate Student Research Assistant: Jiwon Lee.
Funding: Nicholas Endowment.
Exploring How High Schools Can More Effectively Serve Immigrant Youth
PI: Adriana Villavicencio
Funding: WT Grant Foundation.