Center Members Recieve Spencer Grant: Interrogating Recruitment Practices of Black Candidates into Teacher Preparation

Spencer Foundation, Racial Equity Special Research Grants PI: Brandy Gatlin-Nash; Co-PI: Elizabeth van Es Project team: Carlos Sandoval, Acacia Warren, & Rossella Santagata, UCI; Becky G. Sumbera, CSU San Bernardino Abstract The teaching profession has had long-standing challenges recruiting Black teachers (Albert Shanker Institute, 2015). Though some research has surfaced promising strategies for recruiting Black candidates…Continue Reading Center Members Recieve Spencer Grant: Interrogating Recruitment Practices of Black Candidates into Teacher Preparation

Learning to enact equitable mathematics teaching practices through critical self-reflection: a study of primary teacher candidates

Jiwon Lee Doctoral Candidate in Learning, Teaching, Cognition, and Development University of California, Irvine | School of Education Dissertation Abstract This three-study dissertation project aims to understand the role of critical reflection in supporting teacher candidates to develop their identities as equitable mathematics teachers and enact equitable practices in elementary mathematics classrooms. The problem of…Continue Reading Learning to enact equitable mathematics teaching practices through critical self-reflection: a study of primary teacher candidates

Doctoral candidate receives 2021 VOICE Fellowship Award

  The UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement awarded fourth-year doctoral candidate Khamia Powell a 2021 VOICE (Valuing Open and Inclusive Conversation and Engagement) Fellowship Award. ​The Center provides funding for UC students, staff, and faculty who are interested in conducting research or coordinating programs and activities that promote free speech and civic engagement….Continue Reading Doctoral candidate receives 2021 VOICE Fellowship Award

Recognizing diverse pathways to civic engagement: Motivation and high school social networks of marginalized youth

Christopher Wegemer Doctoral Candidate in Human Development in Context University of California, Irvine | School of Education Dissertation Abstract                 Youth in the US face an increasingly contentious sociopolitical landscape characterized by polarization, structural racism, and accelerating inequality. The field of youth civic engagement has risen in prominence with increasing consensus regarding the benefits of…Continue Reading Recognizing diverse pathways to civic engagement: Motivation and high school social networks of marginalized youth

Modest Supports for Sustaining Professional Development Outcomes over the Long Term

Principal Investigators:  Cathy Ringstaff, WestEdJudith H. Sandholtz, University of California, Irvine Given the time and resources invested in professional development, it is important to find ways to extend positive outcomes over the long term.  Similar to regular tune-ups for automobiles, the investment needed to sustain teacher outcomes may be minor in comparison to initial costs, but…Continue Reading Modest Supports for Sustaining Professional Development Outcomes over the Long Term

Rowing in the Same Direction

With a variety of stakeholders in tow, a School of Education OCEAN partnership with Rea Elementary and the Newport-Mesa Unified School District is improving teaching and students’ mathematical thinking and reasoning. When a world-class School of Education, local K-12 teachers, principals, students, and district administrators come together and “row in the same direction,” truly astonishing…Continue Reading Rowing in the Same Direction

Reimagining Educational Equity and ​Opportunity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The School of Education’s OCEAN team is stopping at nothing to address threats to educational opportunities in low-income communities of color during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic required schools, educators, and families to pivot to new modes of learning and revealed pressing issues of access for families across Orange County. In July 2020, the UCI Office…Continue Reading Reimagining Educational Equity and ​Opportunity During the COVID-19 Pandemic