Hosun Kang (hosunk@uci.edu, University of California, Irvine, School of Education)
Doron Zinger (dzinger@uci.edu)
Project funding:
University of Irvine, School of Education
Project duration:
September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017
This project aims to study and improve novices’ opportunities to learning during the preparation period focusing on addressing the issues of inequity and social justice in secondary science classrooms.
Objectives include:
- Trace novices’ trajectories of participation and engagement from preparation to the first two years of teaching
- Characterize the type and nature of novices’ opportunities to learn that facilitate novices’ development of equitably consequential practices
- Study the relationship between novices’ opportunities to learn and the quality of instructional practices when novices become the teacher of students from historically underserved communities
Presentation and publications
Kang, H. (in preparation). Where is the best field placement? Moving beyond the “Two Worlds Problems”
Zinger, D. & Kang, H. (in preparation). Preparing new teachers for urban science classrooms.
Kang, H. (2017). Does teaching core practices prepare novice teachers to help the youth from non-dominant backgrounds to learn science? In D. Stroupe & H. Kang (Eds.), Proceedings of the Science Education at the Crossroads Conference (pp. 18-19). San Antonio, TX. Available online at www.sciedxroads.org/proceedings2017.html.
Kang, H. & Zinger, D. (2017, April). Promoting rigorous and responsive science teaching with well-prepared beginners. Presented at the AERA conference, San Antonio, TX.
Kang, H. (2016, April). Designing opportunities for preservice science teachers to learn formative assessment. Presented at the NARST conference, Baltimore, MD.