“Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience Through a CalTeach Preparation Program”

Director of UCI’s CalTeach Program Doron Zinger (Ph.D. ‘18), Dr. Therese Shanahan, and CalTeach Master Teacher/Math Coordinator Kris Houston published an article on early career teacher resilience in Preparing STEM Teachers: The UTeach Replication Model. ​The title of the article is “Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience Through a CalTeach Preparation Program.” Zinger directs the UCI CalTeach program and teaches…Continue Reading “Promoting Early Career Teacher Resilience Through a CalTeach Preparation Program”

“’You can’t close your door here:’ Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners”

Assistant Professor Adriana Villavicencio (right) is first author of an article in Teaching and Teacher Education examining the role of teacher collaboration. ​The title of the article is “’You can’t close your door here:’ Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners.” Co-authors are Reva Jaffe-Walter (Montclair State University) and Sarah Klevan (Learning Policy Institute). Villavicencio’s research…Continue Reading “’You can’t close your door here:’ Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners”